Live-in wanted to care for older gentleman

Private person Nia Daily

67 years - Single
32523 Pensacola
United States

0 $

Move-in ...
2021 Sep 18
Preferred Tenant:
Single | no matter J.

Shared Facilities:
4 BR. 2 Bath. Den. Living room. - Public transport: Yes
Single family home.

General Conditions:

Start date - 18 Sept or after Hours per month
Pets: No
Driver´s licence is not required
Physical handicaps: elderly gentleman, uses a walker with assistance

Help needed with:

  1. See information below.
Live-in wanted to care for older gentleman. Room and board plus salary. Primary responsibilities will be helping with transfers in and out of bed at night and early morning, providing assistance on and off the bedside commode, and assisting with walking short distances. There are additional aides seven days a week who will continue to provide care during the day and evening.
Item No. 589 - Report entry