Share 2BR with senior seeking companionship and help, Albany USA

Private person pbkitty

73 years - Single
97322 Albany
United States

500 $

Move-in ...
2021 Aug 10 to 2026 Aug 10
Preferred Tenant:
Single | no matter J.

Shared Facilities:
2 large living rooms, fireplace, beautiful backyard, w/d, 2-car garage, lots of storage, kitchen, 1 and 1/2 baths. BTW, I have several pictures I would love to share, but my limitations with technology are creating quite a roadblock. Let me know if you would like me to send them directly to an I phone :) - Public transport: limited, so you can use my car - need to negotiate a bit
Hi, I am 70 yrs old and have a 2 BR house with a 2-car garage, a beautiful yard, lots of community - as well as private - space, and a couple of wonderful kitties! I'd like to exchange rent for companionship and help with a variety of things around the house. My only requirements are that you are not loud, kind to kitties, and a non-smoker. thanks

General Conditions:

30-40 Hours per month
Pets: 2 kitties
Driver´s licence is required
Physical handicaps: some injuries, chronic mobility issues, getting older exponentially!

Help needed with:

  1. Household chores, Pets
  2. Bearing company (companionship , storytelling )
  3. Small repairs, gardening
Being single is not important, but living here as a single-tenant would be necessary. Also, I would ask to split utilities or make the rent $650. Thanks, Patty
Item No. 570 - Report entry